Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Cycle

Hi! I am a new teacher finishing up my very first year of teaching next week. As one school year ends, I begin thinking of all of the possibilities for next year. What a cycle! It has been an exciting and wonderful year but it has been a tad bit overwhelming. I implemented many different activities from the blogs I follow and pinterest of course but everything seemed a little disconnected. So my goal next year is to make everything more connected and more meaningful for my students. Specifically my goals are:

1. Incorporate a more consistent close reading routine.
2. Incorporate a more consistent guided reading and guided math routine.
3. Use more technology.
4. Plan out my centers ahead of time, using the same focus but changing the activity.
5. Utilize writer's workshops and portfolios.

This year was a little chaotic for me as I tried to find my own beat. I relied heavily upon my wonderful kinder team. Next year I will have a brand new team and am very worried about how I will do on my own without them. If you have any ideas on how I can accomplish my goals please share them with me. Luckily so many blogs have helped me such as Little Minds at Work and Growing Kinders. 

Thanks all!

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